QSI Nikon SLR/DSLR Lens Adapter - 500/600 WS Cameras

QSI Nikon SLR/DSLR Lens Adapter - 500/600 WS Cameras

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This QSI SLR Lens Adapter attaches both Nikon F and Nikon G lenses to Series 600 "WS" camera bodies. The Nikon SLR Lens adapter has a rotating ring and pin that allows the aperture to be set at any desired f-stop, even on Nikkor "G" Series lenses that do not have an aperture ring.

In order to use this adapter, you will also need a standard T-mount adapter, which is sold separately.

  • Connection Side A: Nikon Lens
  • Connection Side B: QSI 500/600 WS Camera
  • Connection Side A: Nikon Lens
  • Connection Side B: QSI 500/600 WS Camera
  • QSI Nikon SLR/DSLR Lens Adapter

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