Televue BinoVue Flat Coupler
The Televue Bino Vue Flat Coupler replaces the 3/4" long black nose piece on your TeleVue BinoVue.
When using the Televue 1.25" 2x Barlow, inserting the Televue BinoVue Flat Coupler BVC-0125 into the chrome barrel can cause the unit to perform as a 3.2x amplifier! Get a little more "power" from your Tele Vue BinoVue and Barlow with the Flat Coupler!
TeleVue Product Number: BVC-0125
Customer Note: As of 1/1/12, Televue has extended itƒ???????????s warranty on eyepieces, barlows, powermates and parracors from 5 years to a LIFETIME warranty! This will be effective on sales on 1/1 moving forward only and is not retroactive in any way. The warranty will still cover optical performance, optical coatings, optical cementing, plus mechanical components and operation of the product. This warranty still applies to the original owner and a dated proof of purchase must accompany any warranty repair claim.